Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cold Brew Coffee

I've tried cold brew coffee many times, but never tried to make it myself.  I found this method on The Pioneer Woman for "Perfect Iced Coffee" and it turned out so delicious!  The allure of cold brewed coffee is that it naturally tastes sweeter because of its lower acidity.

You will need: Glass jar, coffee of your choice and a filter (a coffee filter and strainer work too)
Add coffee and cold water to glass jar (1/2 cup coffee, 2 cups water) and stir until all coffee is wet
Cover glass jar (I couldn't find my lid) and let sit at room temp for at least 24 hours
Filter coffee (I filtered it twice) to get coffee concentrate
Mix 1 part cold brew coffee concentrate to 1 part water or milk (depending on your taste) and serve over ice


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