Friday, October 7, 2011

DIY Glitter Heels

I've been wanting some glittery shoes for awhile now, but they all seem to come in one size heel....4 inches.  I decided instead that I would make my own using glitter and Mod Podge.  This is about the easiest DIY project ever, and won't take you more than an hour.

First, you need to gather your supplies.  I bought the Original Mod Podge Gloss Lustre, generic brand mixed glitter and a paintbrush (you can also use micro glitter).  For the shoes, I just chose an older pair with a lower heel that I haven't worn much lately.  What I wish I'd known beforehand is that you can actually purchase Glitter Mod Podge so you don't have to mix it yourself (easy!).

Supplies ready!
Pour glitter in a plastic container (like a Tupperware)
Pour in the Mod Podge until the mixture is thick & mixed well (don't use too much)

Brush the mixture all over the shoe being careful not to get it in the shoe itself or on the sole
After the first coat dried...
After the second coat...voila! Gorgeous glitter shoes!


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